

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2583-1070

Peer Reviewed Journal

Table of Content :-Anthropo-Indialogs, Vol:2, Issue:1, Year:2022

Effects of Gender, Residence, and Ethnicity on Anthropometric Parameters in three Endogamous Populations of Andhra Pradesh

BY :   P. Venkatramana, S.A.A. Latheef and P. Annaiah
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.1-20
Received: 28 March 2022  | Revised: 14 April 2022  | Accepted : 24 April 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.01 

Gender and urban-rural (residence) differences of anthropometric variables are known in endogamous populations. It is not known whether gender and urban-rural differences are same or different across the endogamous population. Ethnic variation of anthropometric variables was studied using few anthropometric variables only. Only difference of anthropometric variables are reported, it is to be known whether gender, residence and ethnicity have any effect in contributing variation in anthropometric variable alone or in combination. In this study an attempt was made to study the gender and residence differences as well variation of 38 anthropometric variables/indices across the endogamous populations and the effect of gender, residence and ethnicity in contributing variation alone or in combination. A total of 900 participants representing three endogamous populations namely Reddy, Golla and Madiga of Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh were recruited. In each endogamous group 75 sample each in gender and residence were enrolled for the study. Gender and residence differences in anthropometric variables were not found to be endogamous population specific. Significant mean differences were observed in anthropometric variables between endogamous population. Effect of gender, ethnicity and residence on anthropometric parameters/indices was evaluated using two way multivariate analysis of variance. Gender was shown to influence anthropometric variables/ indices to the extent of 1.2%-65.9, residence and ethnicity to the tune of 1%-11.5% and 1.8%-14.3% respectively. Further analyses showed that gender, ethnicity and residence variables in combination also influence the anthropometric variables/indices contributing 0.9% to 5.7% variation in anthropometric variables/ indices.

Keywords: Anthropometric variables, gender, ethnicity, residence, two way multivariate analysis of variance

Venkatramana, P., Latheef, S.A.A., & Annaiah, P. (2022). Effects of Gender, Residence, and Ethnicity on Anthropometric Parameters in three Endogamous Population of Andhra Pradesh, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 1-20. /AI.2022.v02i01.01

Economic Empowerment through Digital Inclusion: An Empirical Analysis of the Paniya Tribe in the Nilgiris of Tamilnadu

BY :   M. Arivanandan
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.21-30
Received: 20 January 2022  | Revised: 28 February 2022  | Accepted : 11 March 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.02 

Tamil Nadu is one of the major states in the southern part of India with a significant tribal population. Many important tribal groups dating back to early history are present in the state. The total tribal population is 794697 (401068 males and 393629 females (census 2011). It constitutes 1.1 per cent of the total general population of the state. 83.08% of the tribes continue to live in traditional hilly/rural areas and 16.91% have migrated to urban areas.

Paniya is a Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG’s) in Tamil Nadu. They are living in the states such as Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. In Tamil Nadu, they are residing in Gudalur and Pandalur taluks of the Nilgiris district. The total population of the Paniyas in Nilgiris district is 9,824 (4741 males and 5083 females, (census 2011). They have subsistence living and lack education, health care and other modern amenities. Paniyas are a heterogeneous group surviving as landless laborers and do not form representational cohort in electoral politics of India.

In this digital age, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have made a significant impact in all the sections of population. It has benefited all the subgroups to a remarkable extent. This study attempts to investigate therole of ICTs for economic empowerment of the Paniya tribe. Specific emphasis of the study is to understand the impact of cell phone and laptop usage by Paniya youth for economic and educational empowerment. This empirical study was conducted in the Panthalur region of the Nilgiris district in Tamilnadu.

Key words: Tribes, Paniyas, ICTs, economic , Empowerment, Nilgiris Tamil Nadu

Arivananda, M. (2022). Economic Empowerment through Digital Inclusion: An Empirical Analysis of the Paniya Tribe in the Nilgiris of Tamilnadu, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 21-30. /AI.2022.v02i01.02

A Small Note on Silicosis

BY :   Daya Ram Singh and Ruma Purkait
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.31-45
Received: 18 February 2022  | Revised: 20 March 2022  | Accepted : 28 March 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.03 

Silicosis is one of the many occupational health anomalies that impair the pulmonary function of the mineworkers directly and people living in the surroundings of the mines indirectly. A continuous inhaling of silica dust and particles for a long period leads to this health hazard among the mineworkers and other people residing near mines. Silica dust is released from silica mines, gold mines, granite, tin, agate mines, and some chemical industries and affects the workers of these mines. This oldest form of pneumoconiosis has become a serious challenge to the scientific world due to its untreatable nature, however, this occupational fibrotic lung disease can be prevented with certain measures and precautions. The present paper discusses various studies conducted on the workers affected by silicosis.

Keywords: Silica dust; pneumoconiosis; Mineworkers; Airway Physiology; Immune System Disorder; Respiratory System Disease; Silicosis.

Singh, D.R., & Purkait, R. (2022). A Small Note on Silicosis, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 31-45. /AI.2022.v02i01.03

Ethnographic Study of lamps from Goa State and Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra

BY :   Sitaram K Toraskar
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.47-55
Received: 25 February 2022  | Revised: 30 March 2022  | Accepted : 02 April 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.04 

Lamps were the medium of light in the past, though their existence now is just limited to religious rituals, except some remote corners of the subcontinent. Modernisation, electrification and government policies have changed the scenario for good. Archaeologically, a variety of lamps are unearthed from various archaeological sites all over the subcontinent. Many epigraphs refer to lamps in religious context. Stone sculptures and coins present iconographic manifestation of lamps with deities. All these show the importance of lamp in the ancient societies. Being a source of light for a long time, it also became an integral part of socio-religious customs. The present paper tries to discuss many such instances of ritualistic importance of lamps with ethnographic data from the study area in Goa state and Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. It discusses various rituals related to lamps and its socio-religious importance on wider level. It also tries to focus on the development in architecture to fix these lamps for dual or multiple functions.

Keywords: Deepmal, Divja, Goa, Lamps, Mhale, Ritual, Sindhudurg

Sitaram K Toraskar (2022). Ethnographic Study of lamps from Goa State and Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 47-55. /AI.2022.v02i01.04

The Causes and Consequences of Divorce in Bedele Twon: The Case of 02 Kebele

BY :   Mengistu Melak and A. Kirubakaran
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.57-69
Received: 11 March 2022  | Revised: 30 March 2022  | Accepted : 11 April 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.05 

The issue of divorce is increasing in rate and become an issue of global concern, especially related to globalization, individualization and decreasing of religion influence on society particularly in Ethiopia divorce becoming a major social problem. This study has five chapter, chapter one introduction, chapter two review of related literature, chapter three methodology, chapter four data analysis and interpretation chapter five conclusion and recommendation, each chapter has incorporated different aspects regarding to the divorce. This study incorporates both general and specific objective. Across-sectional study was conduct in this study. The researcher employed non-probability sampling technique from non-probability technique purposive, convenience and snowball by looking 11 informants in order to conduct the study. This study conducted by qualitative research method through in depth interview, case study and document analysis

Keywords: Divorce, Causes, Consequences, Social Impacts

Mengistu Melak & A. Kirubakaran (2022). The Causes and Consequences of Divorce in Bedele Twon: The Case of 02 Kebele, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 57-69. /AI.2022.v02i01.05

Immunisation and Infant Mortality in EAG States in India

BY :   Afeeq K. and Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.71-74
Received: 22 February 2022  | Revised: 21 March 2022  | Accepted : 29 April 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.06 

Introduction: Immunization coverage is a key predictor in infant mortality rate in mostly all the developing countries, Infant mortality rate is a health indicator of great importance which gives the overall health status of the region.

Method: The study is an analysis of infant mortality and the immunisation coverage of the states in the empowered action group. Best and worst performing states are identified. Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for IMR and immunisation coverage and under 5 mortality rate and immunisation.

Results: Immunisation coverage and IMR, and U5MR are negatively correlated but the p values is greater than 0.05 so it’s not statistically significant.
???????Discussion: Odisha with higher immunisation and Rajasthan with comparatively low immunisation rates have somewhat same IMR. This shows that infant mortality have several determinants affecting it.

Afeeq K., & Jaiswal, A. (2022). Immunisation and Infant Mortality in EAG States in India, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 71-74. /AI.2022.v02i01.06

Christianity & Missionaries: Harbinger of Change in the Naga Society of North East India

BY :   Rembemo Odyuo
Anthropo-Indialogs, Year: 2022,  Vol.2 (1),  PP.75-88
Received: 10 January 2022  | Revised: 20 February 2022  | Accepted : 28 February 2022  | Publication: 30 June 2022 
Doi No.: /AI.2022.v02i01.07 

Christianity first arrived in India with St Thomas the Apostle as early as 52 CE. The historical study behind how Christianity grew in India, how it spread among the Indians, how it evolved into many different denominations spread across India today, and how Christianity has transformed people’s life and their society is intriguing. Among the Nagas of North East India, Christianity was first introduced by the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society. The primary objective of the Christian missionaries wherever they went was to preach the gospels (God’s Word) to the non-Christian. The Nagas of the present North-East India were non-Christian back then. They had their own religious belief system which could be termed as Naga Traditional Religion, and has been identified as distinctly different from other religious belief system. They also had their own history, identity, social-cultural and political life. The Christian missionaries in their attempt to evangelize the non-Christian Nagas not only changed their traditional religious beliefs but also brought many changes in their socio-cultural life and other aspects of their traditions. This study is to examine how Christianity and missionaries were responsible in bringing a change in the Naga society that had a far reaching impact on the life of the Nagas. While many of the changes have positive effects there are also some negative effects on Naga culture which will be highlighted in this paper. This study will also briefly highlight the history of the arrival of Christian missionaries in the then Naga Hills.

Keywords: Nagas, Naga Hills, Nagaland, Christianity, Gospels.

Odyuo, R. (2022). Christianity & Missionaries: Harbinger of Change in the Naga Society of North East India, Anthropo-Indialogs, 2: 1, pp. 75-88. /AI.2022.v02i01.07

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