The study examined the effect of ease of doing business on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 2006-2016. The study employed economic reforms proxy by ease of doing business dimensions as independent variables, while Gross Domestic Product(GDP) at current prices is applied as the dependent variable. Multiple regression and correlation analysis were used for data analysis. The study found that individually Getting Credit, Protecting Investors, Trading Across Borders, and Registering Property positively,but insignificantly affects GDP, while starting a business negatively but insignificantly affects GDP. However, the measures of ease of doing business cumulatively significantly affect economic growth. Thus, the study failed to accept the null hypothesis that ease of doing business does not significantly affect economic growth. The study, therefore,concludes that ease of doing business significantly affects economic growth in Nigeria.The study recommends that policy makers should not just continue to ease requirement that promote businesses, but also takes into consideration economic variables such as interest rate, exchange rate, inflation, etc. that are not incorporated in the ease of doing business index in order to provide an enabling environment for businesses to flourish.
Keywords: Ease of Doing Business, Gross Domestic Product, Economic Reforms.
The main thrust of this study was to investigate the effect of fiscal policy on economic growth in Nigeria. Five objectives were formulated to guide the study. The objectives investigated the effect of fiscal deficit, government expenditure, government revenue,fixed capital formation, consumption on economic growth in Nigeria. Relevant data fo rthe study was obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. Data collected was analyzed and tested using ordinary least square multiple regression statistical technique.Results of the findings revealed that: fiscal deficit exert a significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria, government expenditure has a significant relationship with economic growth in Nigeria, there exist a significant relationship between government revenue,consumption and economic growth in Nigeria, fixed capital formation has a significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria. It was recommended that the government of Nigeria should formulate good fiscal policies that will stimulate economic growth in the country. Also, the excess revenue should be well expended. Finally, revenue generated should be channeled appropriately to priority sectors. In the case of excess revenue,government should ensure that revenue generated is well expended. Revenue generated should be directed to priority sectors.
Keywords: Fiscal deficit, government expenditure, government revenue, and fixed capital formation on economic growth in Nigeria.
This study explores the effects of working capital management and corporate governance on firm performance by using the non-financial listed firms of Pakistan. For analytical purpose this study used data of 159 firm balance panel for the period of 2008-2017. GMM method is utilized for the purpose of analysis. Results of the study indicates that directors remuneration has positive effect on firm performance. Payment period and board size have negative effect on firm performance. This study findings suggest that combined effect of working capital management and corporate governance on firm performance is used to check the short term and long-term performance.
Key words: working capital management, corporate governance, firm performance.
This study aims to explore the behavior of preparing for retirement.The study used questionnaire for primary data. The sample size was 400. The focus group was the ones-with aged between 50 to 60 years old in Bangkok, Thailand. Data analysis applied both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data were estimated by using WAI (Weighted Average Index). The majority of sample was married female with Bachelor’s degree. Most of them were company employee with the monthly wages more than 90,000 baht per month.
The behavior of preparing for retirement comprise of six sections as followings:1.Preparing for mental 2. Preparing for physical 3. Preparing for assets 4. Preparing for free-time activities 5. Preparing for the relationship within family 6. Preparing for housing. From these six sections, the study found that the first three sections that the sample was most interested were 1. Preparing for the relationship within the family i.e., teaching descendants respect to the elderly. The second one was preparing for housing in type of residen cytorearrange the convenient location not far from community,friends and relatives. Thelast one was preparing for spending free time doing activities.
n this study we test whether difference in sex, age and career had affect the behavior spreparing for retirement or not. The results showed that 1. female will focus oneverya spects of the behaviors preparing for retirement more than male. 2. difference in age had not affect the behaviors of preparing for retirement. The important section tha tthey are emphasise was the relationship within the family and the least important was the free-time activities 3. the private employees prepare for retirement less than other groups
Keyword: Preparing for retirement.
This study examined the determinants of auditor switching behaviour in Nigeria. The study examined the effect of firm profitability (financial condition of client), audit tenure,audit fee, client firm size and audit delay on auditor switching. The population for the study consisted of all the one-hundred and fifteen (115) non-financial quoted companies in the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The companies for the population had the responsibility to publish their financial statements for seven consecutive years for the period of 2012- 2018. Secondary data used for the study was collected from the sampled quoted non-financial companies in the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the period of 2012to 2018. Binary regression technique was used to test the formulated hypotheses. The Binary regression results firm profitability exerts a negative and insignificant effect on auditors switching, audit tenure exerts a negative effect and significant effect on auditors switching, audit fee exerts a positive and insignificant effect on auditor’s switching, client firm size exerts a positive and insignificant effect on auditor’s switching and audit delay exerts a positive and insignificant effect on auditor’s switching across the binary models.The study recommended that management and investors should consider the level of firm profitability when looking at auditors switching with the aim to improve audit quality. The study therefore suggested that further empirical studies should be conducted in the area of auditor switching by extending the scope to all sectors of the Nigeria economy.
Keywords: Audit Delay, Audit Fee, Audit Tenure, Auditor’s Switching, Client Firm Sizeand Firm Profitability.
Following the perceived over dependence of the Nigerian economy on oil since oil was discovered in commercial quantities and the accompanied economic ills, the paper investigated the impact of adequate infrastructure on economic diversification in Nigeria using qualitative research techniques to examine secondary data obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics, African Development Bank, CIA Fact Book and African Economic Outlook on revenue composition, infrastructural index, diversification index and real GDP growth rate in Nigeria and other selected West African countries for effective comparison. It was descriptively established that adequate infrastructural development has been a veritable alternative for achieving sustainable economic diversification and hence economic growth and development in Ghana and Cote d Ivoire relative to Nigeria. On that premise, policy makers and government of Nigeria were urged to give priority attention to investment in critical infrastructural development such as roads, electricity, health and water as a way of diversifying her economic base to reduce the current over-dependency on oil revenue for all her economic activities.
Keywords: Infrastructure, Economic Diversification, Nigeria, Descriptive Statistics, Nigeria.
JEL Classification: L97, L98 & L99
Successful harnessing of demographic dividend of youth depends significantly on levels of education and market-oriented skills they attain. Youth in Jammu and Kashmir have indeed made progress in terms of educational and vocational skills attainment in recent past. Yet it is not clear that youth particularly women in conflict zones of Kashmir are prepared for challenges they will face in a globalised world. With above backdrop, the paper probes the following questions: To what extent are gender gaps in vocational educational attainment narrowing? Are opportunities available to youth that enable them to complete vocational education, increasingly a pre-requisite to participation in the labour market in the context of globalisation? Are opportunities available that enable youth to overcome skill mismatches through vocational skills training? Are youth in conflict zones succeeding in finding productive employment and becoming integrated into labour market? Are they transitioning into work roles at appropriate ages and with adequate skills? And are opportunities available for young women to make most of their productive potential? The study has been confined to a sample of 796 pass outs of industrial training institutes across conflict zones of Jammu and Kashmir. Structured questionnaire based field survey method has been used to collect primary data and information and data analysis has been done using simple descriptive statistics.
The study reveals that 68.1% of vocational graduates were in youthful age of below 25 years. Nearly 60.3% and 39.7% of them were males and females respectively reflecting gender imbalance in enrolments in vocational courses. Less than half of them (48.8%) were unemployed and 22.6% were self-employed, and 6.7% have also educated up to graduation and post-graduation level, which have paved their ways up to managerial position. Of unemployed, 82% were looking for a job at the time of survey and duration of job search was up to 2 years in case of 22.9%. Low standard of English was main reason of failure to obtain permanent employment in case of 33% of non-permanently employed. Self-employment has been comparatively more lucrative avenues for technical graduates. The paper argues that significant investments in terms of appropriate policies and programmes are required to achieve higher employment rates and elimination of gender disparity in vocational education, harness its demographic dividend and enable youth to participate in and benefit from global development. Alternative methods of delivering vocational training need to be explored. Good vocational training practices for youth in conflict zones are innovative approaches to skills acquisition, employment and income generation, which include procedures for systematically identifying employment- and income-generating opportunities at local level, designing and delivering appropriate training programmes, and providing necessary post-training support services, including credit, technical assistance and market information.
Keywords: Employment, labour market, micro and small enterprises, policy
JEL Codes: J01, J08, J18, J21, J28