Board Characteristics, Ownership Structure and Bank Performance: Evidence from Iraq
Accounting Practices and its Effect on Performance of Oil and Gas Companys in Nigeria
Non-performing Loans and Banks’ Profitability in Nigeria
Business Strategy Risk Assessment for the C-Suite - will a Strategic Plan Deliver the Shareholder Value it Promises?*
Malcolm McDonald (2022). Business Strategy Risk Assessment for the C-Suite - will a Strategic Plan Deliver the Shareholder Value it Promises? Indo-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 117-125. https://DOI:10.47509/IAJFA.2022.v03i02.04
The Role of Cost Structure in Working Capital Management in theIndian Sugar Industry
Was There A Government Expenditures Rule in Disguise During 2014-19? Some Evidence for India
Intra-Company Loans in Foreign Direct Investment and Performance of Real Estate Development Projects in Kenya
Performance Evaluation of Bank of India and Union Bank of India with Respect to Priority Sector
Procurement Management and its Impact on the Performance of Oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria
Indicator Free Intraday Trading Strategy for Generating Return from Investment in the Stock Market