Indian Journal of Anthropological Research

Indian Journal of Anthropological Research

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2583-2417

Peer Reviewed Journal

Table of Content :-Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol:2, Issue:2, Year:2023

Autoethnographic Account of Life in a Dialysis Ward

BY :   Smarika Awasthi
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.99-111
Received: 30 April 2023  | Revised: 28 May 2023  | Accepted : 27 June 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.01 

Anthropology’s concern to understand the role of ‘emotions’ in personal and social life developed during the past few decades in response to the rejection of the thought considering humans as mechanical “information processors”. Academicians and researchers have expressed their interest in understanding ‘socio-cultural experiences from the perspective of the persons who live it’ (Lutz & Whit, 1986).

When people from different cultural contexts come together in environments like the medical institutions, their emotions, feelings and life-meanings undergo subtle transformations especially bearing an impact on the relationships between carers or care givers and those for whom they care that is the patients. This also influences both the experience of illness and that of care giving, and also impacts the frameworks within which these roles are perceived by others. Illness behaviours are often linked to social factors, gender norms, ethnic factors, and politics, as well as differences in philosophies, cultures, and in socioeconomic status (Brown & Barrett, 2009). Patient care varies across social contexts too but most of the care takes place within families and communities and so these also remain the close groups which are impacted the most and in turn also have a profound bearing on the cure and wellness of the patient.
Looking at it distinctively from the anthropological perspective, I realised that these variations change the experience and consequences of ‘care’ in ways that require detailed observation and a compassionate understanding. In this paper I have attempted to present an autoethnographical account of my experiences (during the process of haemodialysis) as a means to express my thoughts and feelings on people coming to a hospital (especially the dialysis unit here). Through this I have also attempted to approach ethical and practical questions about patient care and the caregivers struggle between the enclosed walls of the hospital and the world outside where he/ she has varied other roles to play.

Keywords: Emotions, Caregiver, Autoethnography, Dialysis, Nephrology

POSCO Movement: A Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

BY :   A. Datta, R. Dhar, R. R. Biswas and P. R. Sahoo
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.113-137
Received: 04 July 2023  | Revised: 18 August 2023  | Accepted : 24 August 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.02 

The state of Odisha occupies an important position on the mineral map of India both in terms of deposits and production, which are not only extensive but also equally diverse. The liberalisation of mining and industrial policies has allowed direct foreign investments and setting up of a large number of mining and industrial projects located in strategic areas in India. One of them is the POSCO project spanning two different districts of Odhisa namely Jagatsinghpur and Sundargarh. The Government of Odisha signed a Memorandum of Understanding with South Korean steel giant POSCO (Pohang Steel Company Limited) for a period of five years for setting up of a 12 million tonnes per annum Integrated Steel Plant at Paradip in Jagatsingpur in the district of Odisha on June 22, 2005. The project of such a massive capacity had two important components, the Integrated Steel Plant and the Mining Project. It was primarily proposed that integrated steel plant and private cargo port would be set up in Paradip and the mining area would be in the Khandadhar hills of Sundargarh district. Under this backdrop a team of anthropologists conducted field investigation in those areas to assess the socio-economic impact assessment for the said mega project. Earlier it was proposed that the district and state authorities as well as the POSCO project would look after the viable means of alternative source of livelihood, as the compensation grant based on the market price of the tangible assets was not able to make up the total loss the displaced family or the community had suffered. But unfortunately, this promise was not fulfilled and land acquisition was started. This incidence started agitations and several socio-political movements against the establishment of such a mega project. This paper deals with such movements and their implications on socio-economic life of the people and its fall out on the setting up of the establishment of the million-dollar project.

Keywords: POSCO project, Integrated Steel Plant, South Korean steel giant, Mining, Mineral map

Datta, A., Dhar, R., Biswas, R.R. & Sahoo, P.R. (2023). POSCO Movement: A Socio-Economic Impact Assessment, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 113-137. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.02

Cultural Change and Adaptation of Munda Tribe of Bangladesh: A Socio-Anthropological Analysis

BY :   Md. Firojul Islam
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.139-156
Received: 09 July 2023  | Revised: 23 August 2023  | Accepted : 30 August 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.03 

Although Bangladesh is a small land area, there are dozens of small tribal groups living alongside its mainstream population. The Munda tribe is one of them. They live on plain land in the western and south-western parts of Bangladesh. Hunting and gathering was their main occupation but recently they have been changing their lifestyle. They are trying to live in harmony with the people living around them. Now they are becoming agriculture workers, rickshaw/van pullers, and product makers in small cottage industries. They are in the obscure process of adaptation to the mainstream Hindu communities. The Mundas are coming out of their predecessor’s hill forest dwellers hunting life and adapting to the agrarian life of the plains. There have been many changes in their language, dress, cooking system, and rituals. They may take a few more generations to complete their adaptation process.

Keywords: Culture, Change, Adaptation, Munda Tribe, Bangladesh

Investigation of Social Variables among Kumaoni Population of Uttarakhand

BY :   Kaneeka Joshi and Rashmi Sinha
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.157-164
Received: 02 September 2023  | Revised: 19 September 2023  | Accepted : 06 October 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.04 

Socioeconomic Status (SES) is a collective measurement of the social and economic factors such as amount of income, type of education, occupation, place of residence of an entity as compared to others in civilisation.While income, education, and occupation are commonly used as SES indicators, it is important to recognise that SES is a multidimensional construct that can also include other factors such as wealth, social capital, and access to resources and opportunities. It impacts the availability of different resources, food security, nutritional safety, patterns of livelihood, etc. It also forecasts the behavioural and psychological aspects of a sample namely, attitude, perception, economic motivation, adoption, aspiration level, etc. The current research investigates the socio-economic status of the Kumaoni population to relate it with their adoption of different practices which were typically for their higher returns, food, nutritional enrichment, etc. This study was performed in the Haldwani and Almora districts of Uttarakhand during 2020-21. 50 participants were randomly selected. Certain factors such as age, education, occupation, marital status, landholding, land size, farming experience, annual income, sources of drinking water, sanitation, house, cooking fuel, etc., were selected to determine the Socioeconomic status (SES). The data and information were collected using a structured interview by interviewing the participants personally. The study presents that the participant’s average age was 36 years and agriculture was the only occupation of 22% of the participants whereas others had secondary occupations such as driving, shop keeping, etc. Overall, the study showed that 30% of the participants belonged to the low SES group and 18% to the the high SES group.

Keywords: Kumaon region, Socio-economic variables, Hill farmers, Socioeconomic status, Uttarakhand, Metabolic Syndrome.

Joshi, K., & Sinha, R. (2023). Investigation of Social Variables among Kumaoni Population of Uttarakhand, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 157-164. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.04

Association between Birth Order, Father’s Occupation, House Type and Thinness among Adolescent Girls of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India

BY :   Shreyasi Roy and Jaydip Sen
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.165-184
Received: 12 September 2023  | Revised: 29 September 2023  | Accepted : 16 October 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.05 

Thinness among adolescent girls happens to be a serious health hazard in many low and middle-income countries including India. The main objectives of this cross-sectional study are twofold: (i) to measure the frequency of thinness among 292 adolescent girls between 11-14 years of age residing in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India and also (ii) to find out the association of different socio-economic and demographic variables with thinness. Assessment of thinness was done by using the proposed international BMI-for-age cut-off values of Cole et al. (2007). For that purpose, anthropometric measurements of height and weight were taken to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). In order to find the association of socio-economic and demographic variables with thinness binary logistic regression (BLR) was used. The frequency of overall thinness in the sample was estimated to be 31.51%. The BLR analysis revealed variables such as birth order (p<0.01), father’s occupation (p<0.05) and house type (p<0.05) are significantly associated with thinness. Appropriate nutritional programmes and interventions are required to minimise the prevalence of thinness in the study area. Preventive strategies focusing on adolescent girls of different socio-economic status could aid in addressing the issue of thinness.

Keywords: Thinness, Adolescent girls, BMI-for-age, Anthropometry, West Bengal

Roy, S., & Sen, J. (2023). Association between Birth Order, Father’s Occuptation, House Type and Thinness among Adolescent Girls of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 165-184. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.05

Prevalence and Pattern of Depression among the Hadi of Kedarpalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

BY :   Swagatika Sahoo and Prasanna Kumar Patra
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.185-203
Received: 22 October 2023  | Revised: 19 November 2023  | Accepted : 26 November 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.06 

Depression is a prevalent form of mental illness. It is a primary cause of disability worldwide and has contributed significantly to the global health burden. Depression’s consequences can be lengthy or recurrent, affecting a person’s capacity to function and live a fulfilling life. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of depression among adults in the Hadi community, a Scheduled Caste group in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, by using the Beck Depression Inventory-II. The primary data was gathered from 322 respondents via a structured interview schedule during fieldwork. According to the results of the study, 24.2% of the individuals suffered from mild depression, 27.3% from minimal depression, 28.3% from moderate depression, and 20.2% from severe depression. As per the findings, elderly people, women, the uneducated, people who live in nuclear families, and people whose family members use addictive substances such as Alcohol, Guthka, Pana, and other substances are subjected to a higher rates of depression.

Keywords: Bhubaneswar, Depression, Hadi, Mental health, Scheduled Caste.

Sahoo, S., & Patra, P.K. (2023). Prevalence and Pattern of Depression among the Hadi of Kedarpalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 185-203. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.06

The Anthropological Approach to Undernutrition

BY :   Sen Saugato
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.205-214
Received: 30 October 2023  | Revised: 26 November 2023  | Accepted : 05 December 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.07 

This research paper delves into the anthropological perspective on undernutrition, which has evolved since the 1930s, focusing on the intricate interplay between nutrition, culture, and adaptation. Anthropologists have contributed significantly to the study of undernutrition by identifying cultural practices as key factors leading to a heightened likelihood of undernutrition. However, the paper highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to understanding and measuring undernutrition. Traditional anthropometric indicators, such as weight, height, and upper-arm circumference, have long been used to assess undernutrition. These symptom-based measures are essential but may not provide a comprehensive picture. The paper introduces the concept of the adaptation hypothesis, which suggests that an individual’s ability to adapt to a lower nutritional intake, even to the point of a lower body weight, should be considered when classifying undernutrition. This hypothesis challenges the conventional understanding of undernutrition based solely on physical symptoms.

The paper emphasises the importance of considering energy balance and dietary intake alongside anthropometric measures to better understand undernutrition. It discusses the energy balance equation, which highlights the intricate relationship between energy expenditure, intake, and changes in body fat reserves. Moreover, it explores the adaptation process within individuals, suggesting that individuals can adjust their weight while maintaining their physical activity level, even below the typical threshold for nutritional adequacy. In conclusion, the paper calls for a more comprehensive and dynamic approach to measuring undernutrition, considering not only symptom-based indicators but also energy balance and adaptation. Such an approach is crucial for a more accurate assessment of nutritional status, particularly among adults. This expanded perspective has implications for designing effective interventions and addressing undernutrition in a more holistic manner, with the potential to make a significant impact on public health and policy development. The paper encourages further research and scrutiny in this direction, seeking to refine the measurement methods and address issues of energy balance and adaptation in the context of undernutrition.

Keywords: Anthropological Approach, Undernutrition, Adaptation Hypothesis, Energy Balance, Measurement

Saugato, S. (2023). The Anthropological Approach to Undernutrition, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 205-214. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.07

Opinion: Ancient Humans of Indian Subcontinent

BY :   R.N.Misra
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.215-224
Received: 28 April 2023  | Revised: 22 May 2023  | Accepted : 20 June 2023  | Publication: 26 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.08 

The human population in the Indian sub-continent has undergone phases of rise and fall, during the past 10,000 years. Mythological texts composed during different periods contain indirect descriptions of the then society. The exact time frame of the events is mostly blurred, on account of the lack of concrete proof. The chronology of events, as deduced from old texts and data available about the domestication of animals can give some clues about the civilisations of the past. The author has attempted to get an idea about the ancient human population in the Indian sub-continent by correlating the information gathered from old texts, folklore, as well as recent scientific reports.

Keywords: Early Humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans, Human interaction, Indian mythology, 8.2 ka event

Misra, R N (2023). Ancient Humans of Indian Subcontinent, Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, 2: 2, pp. 215-224. https://DOI:10.47509/IJAR.2023.v02i02.08

Book Review: AUTONOMY: Life Cycle, Gender, and Status among Himalayan Pastoralists By Aparna Rao, Berghahn Books, New York (First Published in 1998), 350pp, ISBN 1-57181-903-7

BY :   Sakib Marazi
Indian Journal of Anthropological Research, Year: 2023,  Vol.2 (2),  PP.225-227
| Publication: 26 December 2023 

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