Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues

Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2582-5186

Peer Reviewed Journal

Table of Content :-Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Vol:3, Issue:2, Year:2022


BY :   Muftau O. Olarinde, Yusuf Isah Usman, Abdullahi Buba and Musa Abdu
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.157-182
Received:28 July 2022 | Revised:13 August 2022 | Accepted :28 August 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.01

The study examined the impact of monetary policy on Banks’ lending in Nigeria. The study covered the periods of fifteen years 2001 to 2015 using quarterly data. The study adopted bound testing approach for co-integration, error correction model developed within an Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) Model and granger causality test to assess both long-run equilibrium relationship and direction of causality between monetary policy instruments on bank loan and advances. Using the approach, the study found evidence in support of existence of long-run relationship among the variables in the model at 5% level of significance with the exception of real exchange rate that remained insignificance. The study also established the existence of unidirectional causality runs from loan and advances to real exchange rate without feedback at 5% significance level. The result further revealed that, cash reserve requirement and money supply are significance and positive, while monetary policy rate and real exchange rate negatively impacted on loan and advances in the long run. The short run result also indicated that, monetary policy rate, cash reserve requirement and real exchange rate have significance negative influence on loan and advances, while money supply impacted on loan and advances positively. The study recommended that, monetary authority should focus more on monetary policy rate and real exchange rate quality, in order to improve banks lending. Equally, the authority should design optimum interest rate on deposit and loan that will encourage banks lending in Nigeria.

Keywords: Monetary policy, Interest Rate, Monetary Authority, Real Exchange Rate, Money Supply, Nigeria

JEL Classification: E52, E43, E59, E51

Usman, Abdullahi Buba and Musa Abdu (2022). An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Lending in Nigeria. Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 157-182. https://DOI:10.47509 /IJEFI.2022.v03i02.01


BY :   Baijayanti Rout
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.183-192
Received:21 September 2022 | Revised:15 October 2022 | Accepted :20 October 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI: 0.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.02

A sizable portion of the economy lives in rural areas of an underdeveloped state like Odisha. Odisha is an agriculturally oriented state, yet the majority of the rural population relies on it. Additionally, the opportunities for different forms of employment in rural locations are relatively restricted. Due to a lack of advanced technology, agriculture and other forms of livelihood are characterised by a weak economy. Due to the nature of the sources of livelihood and the lower value chain of rural products, it is now quite typical for rural households to be in poor condition. The rural population has a number of challenges in making good livings, including chances in agriculture, livestock, fishing, handicrafts, and small domestic businesses. This paper makes an effort to identify the numerous rural sources of income. It also includes information on the difficulties rural residents face in making a living. Primary and secondary data are the foundation of the paper. The original data came from the Bargarh and Balangir districts of Odisha’s Khaprakhol and Paikmal blocks (604 sample), while the secondary data came from a variety of publications that dealt with rural livelihoods. According to the research findings of the study, farming and agriculture-based activities account for the majority of rural livelihood sources in the designated study region. Lack of education, ignorance, access to financing, inadequate technical progress, and a lack of improved inputs are just a few of the obstacles that rural households must overcome in order to increase their income. Other than farming, there is a need for livelihood diversification to help rural households make a good living.
???????Keywords: livelihood, Income, rural, challenges, Odisha

Baijayanti Rout (2022). Rural Livelihood In Odisha: A Case Study From Two Blocks of Western Odisha. Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 183-192. https://DOI: 10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.02


BY :   J. C. Ihemeje
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.193-221
Received:25 September 2022 | Revised:19 October 2022 | Accepted :28 October 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.03

The study focused on social awareness and seeks to address the problem of competitive aggressiveness in entrepreneurship practices of Nigeria organizations. The study used primary data that were generated via questionnaires that were administered on the selected respondents. Descriptive statistics, correlation and other diagnostics were used to analyze the data and to test the hypotheses. Specifically, the study found that: That emotional intelligence is significantly related to competitive aggressiveness among staff of tertiary institutions in Kogi State. There is low level of emotional intelligence among staff of tertiary institutions in Kogi State In line with the findings of this study, the work recommended that It is important for staff of tertiary institutions in Kogi State to be aggressive in competing. In the office, there may be just one vacancy and lots of staff may be interested in taking the vacant post. What normally happens is that management will tend to look at the staff performance grade and naturally give the position to best. Being aggressive in competition starts from day one at work because one will not know when opportunity for growth will arise. After retirement the staff being used to competitive aggressiveness will not find it difficult to compete in business.

Keywords: social awareness, competitive aggressiveness, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial orientation

Professor J. C. Ihemeje (2022). Social Awareness of Emotional Intelligence and Competitive Aggressiveness in Entrepreneurship Orientation in Nigeria Organisations. Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 193-221. https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.03


BY :   Patience E. Offiong, Emmanuel E. James and Dr. Raphael S. Etim
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.223-236
Received:30 October 2022 | Revised:26 November 2022 | Accepted :30 November 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.04

Multiple taxation is an important issue in tax practice that is generating policy attention among the tiers of government, due to its adverse impact on business sustainability in Nigeria. Against this backdrop, this study sought to examine the relationship between multiple taxation and Microfinance banks’ sustainability in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. 15 licensed Microfinance Banks (MFBs) operating in Akwa Ibom State were sampled using survey research methodology. The data was collected through primary structured questionnaire. Employing Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression technique, the results showed that taxes (???? = -0.255, S E = 0.077, tcalc. = -2.077, P-value = 0.042 <0.05) and levies (???? = 0.320, S E = 0.106, t-calc. = 2.603, P-value = 0.012 <0.05) have negative and positive relationship respectively with MFBs sustainability in the state. It was recommended among others that the federal, state and local governments should take collaborative steps in eliminating multiple taxation in Microfinance banks in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Keywords: Multiple taxation, Sustainability and Microfinance Banks, Taxes, Levies.

Patience E. Offiong, Emmanuel E. James and Dr. Raphael S. Etim (2022). Multiple Taxation and Microfinance Banks Sustainability in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 223-236. https://DOI:10.47509/


BY :   Ihemeje, J. C., Adeleke, Ezekiel Olukayode and Adegun, Emmanuel Aderinola
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.237-264
Received:28 May 2022 | Revised:20 June 2022 | Accepted :12 October 2023 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.05

The study examined self-management competence of emotional intelligence as it relates innovativeness variable of entrepreneurial orientation. the study used primary data that were generated via questionnaires that were administered on the selected respondents. descriptive statistics, correlation and other diagnostics were used to analyze the data and to test the hypotheses. the study found a statistically significant relationship between self-management and innovativeness of the entrepreneur. based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the management of tertiary institutions in kogi state should encourage their staff to develop a natural tendency towards entrepreneurship. also, management should allow staff take actions without waiting for instructions. staff of tertiary institutions should be further encouraged to identify opportunities and be creative in how they perform any work given to them. it is important for staff of tertiary institutions in kogi state to be aggressive in competing. in the office, there may be just one vacancy and lots of staff may be interested in taking the vacant post. management of the tertiary institutions should strive to ascertain staff intelligence type before they train them to become autonomous. also, management of the tertiary institutions in kogi state should ensure that professional seminar should always be organized on emotional intelligence for staff across tertiary institutions in order to enhance their level of entrepreneurial orientation.

Keywords: self-management, innovativeness, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial orientation

Ihemeje, J. C., Adeleke, Ezekiel Olukayode and Adegun, Emmanuel Aderinola (2022). Self-management of Emotional Intelligence and its Effect on the Innovativeness Component of Entrepreneurship Orientation. Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3,No. 2, pp. 237-264.


BY :   Velmurugan P.S. & Liya Teressa Alex
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.265-277
Received:02 November 2022 | Revised:27 November 2022 | Accepted :10 October 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.06

This article assesses the current status of research on the “Rural Non-Farm Sector” (RNFS) around the world. It also examines the role of the non-farm sector in developing rural economy and the scope for further developments. This article particularly attempts to examine the importance of the RNFS in developing nations and different regions in the Asian and African continents to find out the most recent perspectives about the RNFS and its role in developing the rural economy. Works of literature were reviewed for the last 41 years, from 1980 to 2021 from popular working papers, reports, and online research databases such as Emerald Insight, Wiley online library, Elsevier, Sage, ScienceDirect, and so on by using the keyword “Rural Non-farm Sector” and identifying 114 articles which include research papers, working papers, and reports. After the analysis of different works of literature, it was understood that proper growth and progress of off-farm activities in the rural areas pave the way for higher income levels for the rural poor, which can be improved by providing an easy way for entering into the non-farm sector for the rural people without any blocks and providing necessary skills and support so that it helps in improving their standard of living.

Keywords: Non-farm, Income, Employment, Poverty, Rural Development, RNFS

Velmurugan P.S.& Liya Teressa Alex (2022). Current Status of Research on Rural Non-Farm Sector: Analysis of Literature. Indian Journal of Economics
and Financial Issues, Vol. 3,No. 2, pp. 265-277. https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.06


BY :   Shriprasad H., and Suvarna K. Naikar
Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Year:2022, Vol.3 (2), PP.279-292
Received:12 November 2022 | Revised:30 November 2022 | Accepted :15 December 2022 | Publication:31 December 2022
Doi No.:https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.07

Consumption expenditure pattern showing type of goods and services households buy and expenditure share on such goods, important to understand materialistic satisfaction. Proposed study interested to analyse consumption expenditure pattern of households with individuals aged 45 and above (older adults) in Karnataka. Study based on data gathered by LASI wave 1 and useful for appropriate fiscal policies and measures, ensuring households wellbeing with older adults. For Karnataka, LASI had covered 1488 households with individuals aged 45 and above, three stage rural sampling design and four stage urban sampling design, interviewed eligible respondent and their spouse irrespective of age. It is found that, more than half of household expenditure incurred towards non-food expenditure and little less than half incurred towards food. Monthly Per capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) decreased as the household size increases. When household is poor expenditure share on food is more. This pattern of household expenditure behaviour has important policy implication in terms of pro-poor pricing through fiscal measures to ensure equity. Out of pocket spending (OOPS) on health has positive relationship with level of economic status of households. About 9.5% of MPCE spent on medical expenses by households with older adults indicating the burden of medical expenditure, very close to catastrophic expenditure defined by LASI. Nearly half of OPD spending is for medicines. Therefore generic medicine consumption is critical for better health care. Because OOPS and catastrophic expenditure effect poor the most there is likely to increase autonomous consumption expenditure, calls for appropriate insurance package to protect the such households from economic impoverishment.

Keywords: older-adults, expenditure pattern, catastrophicexpenditure, health-insurance, equity.

JEL Classifications: D1, D31, D63, I13

Shriprasad H., and Suvarna K. Naikar (2022). Consumption expenditure pattern of households with older adults in Karnataka; Evidences from Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI). Indian Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 279-292. https://DOI:10.47509/IJEFI.2022.v03i02.07

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