Indian Journal of Finance and Economics

Indian Journal of Finance and Economics

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2582-2217

Peer Reviewed Journal

Table of Content :-Indian Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol:4, Issue:2, Year:2023


BY :   Oluseyi Omosuyi
Indian Journal of Finance and Economics, Year: 2023,  Vol.4 (2),  PP.243-261
Received: 19 July 2023  | Revised: 21 August 2023  | Accepted : 10 September 2023  | Publication: 29 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJFE.2023.v04i02.01 

Departing from prior literature, this study integrates an asymmetric framework into how Nigerian real sectors (agricultural, industrial and service sectors) respond to changes in interest rates. Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) approach was adopted to capture the objective, using data from Nigeria spanning the period of 1981–2021. The empirical findings established asymmetric structure in the interest rate - real sectors performance nexus in the long run, while there is no evidence of asymmetric relationship in the short-run. The empirical result further revealed that contractionary (negative component shock) interest rates policy significantly boosts Nigerian real sectors performance both in the short-run and long-run. However, the expansionary (positive component shock) interest rates policy exhibits adverse effect on the growth of real sectors in Nigeria. This study therefore concludes that contractionary interest rate policy is a panacea to propel the growth of real sectors in Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that monetary authority should reduce the interest rate for Nigeria’s real sectors in order to have easy access to credit facility to embark on large scale production and consequently boost their performances. This will create enabling credit facility environment to revitalize Nigerian real sector.

Keywords: Interest Rate, Real Sector Performance, Asymmetric Effect, NARDL

Oluseyi Omosuyi (2023). Asymmetric Effect of Interest Rate on Real Sectors Performance in Nigeria. Indian Journal of Finance and Economics. 4(2), 243-261. https://DOI:10.47509/IJFE.2023.v04i02.01


BY :   Sakshi Soneja and L.N. Koli
Indian Journal of Finance and Economics, Year: 2023,  Vol.4 (2),  PP.263-276
Received: 29 July 2023  | Revised: 30 August 2023  | Accepted : 18 September 2023  | Publication: 29 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJFE.2023.v04i02.02 

Housing development, even on a small scale, can have a significant impact on the economy, making it a crucial tool for growth and development. There are a variety of players involved in the country’s housing finance industry, including banks, housing finance companies, and government organizations. These entities compete with one another to finance homes for individuals. Housing financing companies (HFCs) have had to reduce their payments and reverse portfolio sales to meet their obligations. When it comes to making financial decisions, one of the most important factors to consider is your company’s financial performance. This paper analyzes and compares the financial performance of selected housing finance companies in India on the basis of profitability, liquidity, and solvency from the years 2018-19 to 2022-23. 5 housing finance companies have been considered for the study on the basis of market capitalization as on 30 June 2023. In this study, ratios have been used to analyze the financial operations and viability of the selected organisations as well as to show the data in research tables and graphs. For assessing the financial operations and performance of HFCs, certain ratios were employed, including liquidity, solvency, valuation, and profitability ratios. Statistical tools like mean, S.D, C.V, and one-way ANOVA are used for the analysis purpose. The study observed a significance difference among the performance of sample companies.

JEL classification: G23, M41, O18.

Keywords: Financial Performance, ANOVA and Housing Finance Companies.


BY :   Marshal Iwedi
Indian Journal of Finance and Economics, Year: 2023,  Vol.4 (2),  PP.277-295
Received: 22 August 2023  | Revised: 19 September 2023  | Accepted : 10 October 2023  | Publication: 29 December 2023 
Doi No.: https://DOI:10.47509/IJFE.2023.v04i02.03 

This study examines the impact of monetary policy on banking system fragility in Nigeria over the period from 1986 to 2022. The financial time series approach was use to gather secondary data since the variables investigated are quantitative. These variables include bank distressed levels, prime lending rates, maximum lending rates, savings rates, Treasury bill rates, treasury certificate rates, monetary policy rate, narrow money supply, broad money supply and currency ratio. The data for these variables were obtained annually from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin from 1986 to 2022. Stationarity of the variables was assessed using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root technique due to the presence of structural breaks. After confirming the mixed integration nature of the variables, they were transformed to first order and modeled using the vector Auto-regression (VAR) based on co-integration tests using the methodology developed by Johansen (1991, 1995). The study found that 16.8% of the changes in the dependent variable could be attributed to variances in Model 1. This assertion is further supported by the F-statistics and the associated probability value. The result for Model II revealed that the Error Correction Model (ECM) is appropriately aligned, and the independent variables can account for 50.3% of the variations in bank distress levels. Similarly, Model three demonstrated that the independent variables can elucidate 48.7% of the variations in bank distress levels. In contrast, in Model 111, the independent variables elucidated a substantial 72.9% of the variance in the dependent variable, whereas in another context, they accounted for 35.5% of the variance. The investigation determined that a noteworthy 88% of the variations in the dependent variable could be linked to the model’s variation, a conclusion that is again supported by the F-statistics and probability value. Furthermore, 80.4% and 50% of the variations in the dependent variable could be attributed to the model’s fluctuations in distinct instances. The study’s results lead to the conclusion that a notable correlation exists between monetary policy and the level of bank distress in Nigeria. In this regard, the study recommends that the central bank should tailor its monetary policies to consider their potential impact on the stability of the banking sector. Striking a balance between growth and stability objectives is crucial.

Keyword: Monetary policy, interest rate, interest rate spread, inflation, money supply, banking system fragility, financial distress.

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