This paper explores the capacity of Union Parishad (UP) personnel to prepare and implement development projects at the UP level in Bangladesh. At the UP level, different types of projects related to infrastructure, roads, drainage, health, education, and so on are undertaken and implemented. The projects are undertaken under ADP in line with the five-year plan of the UP. The projects are taken for the benefit of rural development that would contribute to national development ultimately. UP gets funds as development grants from the government and also from the local government strengthening projects to implement development projects at the rural level. Therefore, effective project preparation is vital to realize the objectives that would lead to proper benefits for the local people. For this, capacity is very important to prepare a good project. On the other hand, after preparing the project and its adoption, it needs implementation efficiently and successfully, bringing better benefits to its beneficiaries at the rural localities. Hence, the capacity of UP personnel is investigated and primarily revealed that they are not competent enough to prepare development projects professionally. Even they do not know the process of preparation for development projects. They depend very much on the officials of UP and the UP officials follow the in-built traditional format. It happens due to a lack of presence of academic as well as technically qualified UP personnel at the UP level in the country. On the other hand, there is a lack of capacity-building initiatives for UP personnel from the government side. The study followed a qualitative method within a mixed-approach framework. Different types of tools used for qualitative study were employed for data collection. Finally, the study suggests, among many others, that capacity-building training programs should be organized for UP personnel.
Keywords: Union Parishad, Capacity, Project, Bangladesh
Rahman, M.M., & Islam, S. (2023). Assessing the Capacity of Union Parishahd Personnel to Prepare and Implement Development Projects in Bangladesh, Man, Environment and Society, 4(2), pp. 147-168. DOI:10.47509 /MES.2023.v04i2.04