Man, Environment and Society is an interdisciplinary Journal published by ARF India), New Delhi on annual/biannual basis. The journal aims at advancing the research in interdisciplinary fields that studies man, environment and society in all respects involving anthropology, sociology, environment, ecology, toxicology, health, geography, ethno-botany, ethno-zoology, psychology, history, economics, political science, folk studies, management, law, ethnology, social, cultural and linguistic research for disseminating knowledge of interdisciplinary subjects and also illuminating its relevance to human problems.
It has an objective to publish original and theoretical articles, short communication and book review on any field of the above subjects by the faculties, scholars, students, and articles of special lectures which provide material that is imperative and emergent in the discipline and are theoretically, methodologically and empirically pertinent to the journal.
Manuscript should be in English and should consist of following subdivisions:
Title of the paper, Author(s) name, Institutional affiliation, Keywords,
Abstract (300 words or less),
Text (2500-8000 words),
Acknowledgement (if any), Notes (if any),
References, Tables (if any),
Figures(if any),
Photographs (if any),
Appendix (if any).
Authors should submit their article (both soft and hard copy) to the Editor-in-Chief.
The Journal Man, Environment and Society follows Harvard Reference style. So for accurate reference style, please go through.
A book review should consist of Title, Author(s), Publisher, Year, Page, Count, Price, and ISBN number of the work reviewed.
The publisher of the Journal Man, Environment and Society and the official chief and associate editors of the Journal cannot be held responsible for any error or consequences arising from the use of information contained in this Journal; the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher Man, Environment and Society and editors. Hence the authors of the concerned papers are solely responsible for the opinion made therein.
Size of the paper: A4, Top margin: 1.7", Bottom margin: 1.7", Left margin: 1.3", Right margin: 1.2", Style: Normal, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12pts, Leading: Auto, Alignment: Justified, Line spacing: single.