South Asian Anthropologist

South Asian Anthropologist

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :0257-7348

Peer Reviewed Journal

South Asian Anthropologist, a biannual peer reviewed journal (March and September), publishes original articles in the field of anthropology, sociology, demography, human biology, environmental studies, medical anthropology, tribal and rural economy, and development studies, etc. It welcomes theoretical articles too, without geographical restriction. The basic policy of SAAN is to develop a media for exchange of ideas, research news, technical reports, conference news, etc. among scholars of South Asia. Paper that has already appeared elsewhere will not be accepted for publication. The views expressed by the author(s) in the original articles(s) are entirely and necessarily theirs, and not that of the Editor.

Manuscript should be in English with an Abstract of 150 words or less, which should be ahead of the introductory text. The abstract should be written as the conclusion of the article and not mere description. Keywords, not more than ten, should be given above the abstract. Full-length article should usually be organised into Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, etc. The manuscript (maximum 25 pages) should be prepared in MS Word format. Original copy of the manuscript and one soft copy should be submitted in complete form with the author’s full name, designation and complete postal address, telephone number and e-mail ID. The authors can send the paper through e-mail to < >, and one hard copy through postal mail.

References should be cited in the text by author’s last name and year of publication, e.g., Appadurai (1983); and for complete reference - Appadurai, Arjun 1983. The puzzling status of Brahman temple priests in Hindu India. South Asian Anthropologist, 4(1):43-52. When more than one author - H. Walter, Maria Hilling, Indera P. Singh, M. K. Bhasin, J. D. Goud and P. Veerraju 1980. Gm and Inv phenotypes and gene frequencies in Indian populations. South Asian Anthropologist, 1(2):69-75. For book reference - Jalal, A. 1995. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. For article in book - Jewitt, S. and S. Kumar 2000. A political ecology of forest management: Gender and sylvicultural knowledge in Jharkhand, India. In: P. Stott and S. Sullivan (eds.), Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power, pp. 91-113. Edward Arnold: London. Unacceptable articles will not be returned.